

词汇 news
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  1. [uncountable] information about something that has happened recently消息;新闻Have you heard the latest news? Mary and Joe are getting married!你听说最新消息了吗?玛丽和乔要结婚了!News is coming in of a plane crash.刚收到消息说有架飞机坠毁了。There will be another news bulletin at 1 o'clock.1 点钟将再次播出新闻简报。Our town has been in the news a lot recently (= a lot has been written in newspapers, etc.).我们的镇子最近在媒体的曝光率很高。We had some good news yesterday.我们昨天得到个好消息。That's news to me (= I didn't know that).我没听说过那事。
  1. the news [singular] a regular program giving the latest news on the radio or television(广播或电视中的)新闻节目We always watch the six o'clock news on TV.我们总是收看六点钟的电视新闻。I heard on the news that there was a plane crash.我从新闻里听到有飞机坠毁的消息。the local / national news地方/全国新闻
break the news (to sb)to be the first to tell someone about something important that has happened最先(向某人)透露重大消息




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