




mary: jack, you look blue. what's wrong?玛丽:杰克,你看起来闷闷不乐的,怎么了?jack: i received an e-mail from a company saying that i failed the interview.杰克:我收到了一家公司的邮件,说我面试失败了。


(i=interviewer主试人 a=applicant受试人)dialogue ai:where are you employed?a:i have been employed as a secretary at a trading company.i:what do you think of your present job?a:yes,i find it interesting.


面试常用英语口语对答q:what contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization?(你对目前/从前的工作单位有何贡献?)a: i have finished three new projects, and i am sure i can apply my experienceto this


1) what is your name,please?请问,你叫什么名字?2) can you tell me what your full name is, please?能把你的全名告诉我吗?3) how do you spell your full name?你的全名怎么拼写?4) i was born on june 22,1980.


lesson 5about your educational background(ⅰ)关于教育背景(ⅰ)key sentences(重点句子)67.would you tell me what educational background you have?请告诉我你的学历好吗?68.




dear annie:i'm trying to change careers, hoping to apply my two decades of consumer-product marketing and branding experience to the health care field.


1.would you talk about your merits?你能谈谈你的工作业绩吗?2.now please tell me something about your achievements in your work unit.现在请你谈谈你在工作单位的业绩。


what is your greatest strength?你的最大长处是什么?i manage my time perfectly so that i can always get things done on time.我极懂分配时间,因此总能准时完成任务。


lesson 11 about part-time job关于业余工作167.do you do a second job in addition to your full-time job?除了专职工作以外,你有没有从事第二职业?168.do you take on any part-time work in your leisure


关于电脑程序员职务682.what kind of experience have you got for the job?申请这项工作,你有什么工作经历?683.i've been a data entry operator for more than two years.我做数据输入操作员有两年了。

精选英语面试口语: 关于语言能力

146.do you speak a foreign language?你会讲外语吗?147.do you read and write english?你阅读和写作英语能力如何?148.when did you begin to learn english?你从何时起学英语的?149.why did you study english?你为什么学英语?150.


1) what is your name,please?请问,你叫什么名字?2) can you tell me what your full name is, please?能把你的全名告诉我吗?3) how do you spell your full name?你的全名怎么拼写?4) i was born on june 22,1980.


let's talk about your education background.我们谈谈你的受教育情况吧。i am very skilled in english.我的英语讲得非常熟练。i will graduate this may.我今年5月份即将毕业。i major in linguistics.我主修语言学。


kind acknowledgments will help you leave a good impression in the interview.诚恳的致谢词会使你在面试中留下好的印象。acknowledgments can show your good attainment.致谢可以展示出你的良好素养。


basic expressions 基本句型表达1) do you have any work experience in this field?你有这个行业的工作经验吗?2) what kind of jobs have you had?你做过哪些工作?3) what?s your responsibility at your present work


basic expressions 基本句型表达1) can i help you?需要我帮忙吗?2) may i speak to... ?我可以和?通话吗?iquest;3) i am calling you to thank you for the interview yesterday.我打电话是为了感谢你昨天为我安排的面试。


1.i speak fairly good english and i enjoy meeting different kinds of people,so i think i could handle the work of a receptionist.我能说流利的英语,而且我喜欢接触不同的人,所以我认为我能胜任接待员一职。


1. im not professional, i play just for the fun of it.1. 我不是专业的,搞这个不过是玩玩而已。2. this is a hobby you can enjoy at little or no cost. ,2. 这个爱好不需花钱或只需花很少钱,但其乐无穷。


1) how do you think of your english?你认为你的英语水平如何?2) how do you think of your proficiency in written and spoken english?你认为你的书面英语和口语熟练程度如何?3) i think my english is good enough to communicate


what do you want to do with your life?你想要什么样的人生?i want to never feel like i've given less than my best.我从不愿留下没有尽全力的遗憾,i believe that's the key to reaching all my goals in my career because i know




what do you do in your spare time?你在业余时间如何消遣?what are your hobbies?你的个人爱好是什么?i enjoy sports, music, films and books.我喜欢体育运动、听音乐、看电影、读书。


1、i am ­years old, born in province/beijing, northeast/southeast/southwest of china, and i am currently a freshman(大一新生)/sophomore(大二学生)/junior(大三学生)/senior(大四学生) student at capital institute of


part ⅰ questions and answers about common subjects 面试常见话题的问与答lesson 1 opening remarks 开场白key sentences(重点句子)1.excuse me.may i see mr. john watt,the manager?劳驾。




662.what sort of responsibilities does this secretary's job involve?贵公司的秘书工作有哪些职责?663.this job is handling routine tasks,such as typing letters and documents,receiving visitors,answering phone calls and


what type of performance problems have you encountered in people who report to you,and how did you motivate them to improve?在下属的工作表现方面,你曾经遇到过什么问题?后来你又是如何激励他们进行改善的?i once had an


basic expressions 基本句型表达1) what kind of character do you think you have?你认为自己是什么性格的人?2) are you introverted or extroverted?你内向还是外向?3) what kind of person would you like to work

精选英语面试口语: 关于家眷

50.have you got married?你结婚了吗?51.are you married?你结婚了吗?52.yes,sir.i'm married.是的,先生,我结婚了。53.there is no hurry for that.i think i'll try to earn enough for that.不用忙,我想先干事业再谈结婚。


1.to speak frankly,i did not enjoy the work very much because these was not much for me to do at my post.坦率地说,我不是很喜欢那份工作,因为我在这个职位上没有多少事可干。


1) may i come in?我可以进来吗?2) how are you doing, mrs. smith?你好,史密斯女士。3) excuse me. may i see mrs. smith?对不起,我可以见史密斯女士吗?4) miss wu? will you come in please? take a seat.吴小姐,请进,坐下吧。


1.what's your name?你叫什么名字?2.what's your surname?你姓什么?3.what's your family name?你姓什么?4.what's your given name?你的名是什么?5.what's your full name?你的全名是什么?6.


现在很多公司面试的时候都会问您结婚了么?这种问题,下面我们一起来看看遇到这种问题用英语怎么回答~具体请看下文英语面试口语:1.are you married?你结婚了吗?2.yes,sir.i'm married.是的,先生,我结婚了。


这里所讲的个人资料是一个应征者的基本信息,虽然是一些很简单的问题,但是正是根据这些信息,主考官可以初步断定应试者是否符合他们的要求。basic expressions 基本句型表达1) what is your name,please?请问,你叫什么名字?2) can you


范文一:hello everyone, my name is lee. this is really a great honor to have this opportunity, and i believe i can make good performance today. now i will introduce myself briefly.


tip #1: arm yourself with salary information.技巧一:用薪资信息武装自己。before you go to the job interview, spend adequate time conducting research to find out average salaries and salary ranges for similar jobs in


basic expressions 基本句型表达1) are you a goal-oriented person?你是一个目标明确的人吗?2) tell me about some of your recent goals and what you do to achieve them.告诉我你最近的一些目标以及如何实现它们。


why should i hire you? 为什么我该聘用你?this is the classic question most of us hear during an interview. its often preceded by the phrase, ive already interviewed another person for this position who looks perfect.


关于个性、性格269.what kind of personality do you think you have?你认为你具有哪种性格?270.i'm quite active and energetic.i approach things enthusiastically and i don't like leaving things half done.我积极而充满活力。


关于护士职务837.i'm here for an interview as requested.我是应约前来面试的。838.have you brought your credentials?你带来有关证件了吗?839.this is my certificate of nurse qualifications.这是我的护士资格证书。


1 arrive latefor the interview.不要迟到.2 indicate you are late because the directions you were given were not good.即使迟到也不要把不认识路当成借口.3 look disheveled and inappropriately dressed.衣着要整洁得体.


do you know what is the best time to submit a job application?你知道提交工作申请最佳时间是什么时候吗?this is a great question and one i've pondered before myself.


结束面谈531.thank you for coming,we will let you know the result as soon as possible.谢谢你的到来,我们将尽早把结果通知你。532.thank you,i'll look forward to hearing from you.谢谢,我会恭候您的通知。


510.we believe you would be able to do the job very well.but as you know,we have dozens of applicants to be answered.we can't reach a final decision until we have talked to all applicants being asked to come here.


关于辞职原因182.what position have you held before?你以前担任过什么职务?183.how many places have you worked altogether?你一共工作了几个地方?184.what was your reason for leaving?你为什么要离开呢?185.


describe the best job you ever had.请描述一下你所做过的最好的一份工作。i enjoyed all the jobs i've had,but if i were to choose one,it would probably be when i worked as executive assistant to the vice president of


dialogue a(i=interviewer主试人 a=applicant受试人)i:have you got any experience in advertising?a:yes,i have been working in the public relations section of a company in the past two years.


1. i am calling to thank you for giving me the interview for the sales manager position yesterday.昨天给了我面试销售经理一职的机会,我特地打电话向你表示感谢。
